Monday, February 13, 2012

I'm so crafty

From College Station...

I'm sure by now everyone and their mom (literally) have hopped on the Pinterest train. I, like many others, have been guilty of pinning all these seemingly easy projects and never actually going through with them. This bothered me. The other day I decided to actually make something other than just gluing a few flowers to a canvas. I thought I would put my carpentry skills to work. Now this project I made was not an exact replica of something I pinned, but I had seen some other wooden crafts and thought it couldn't be that hard to make something similar. I started my quest at Hobby Lobby. Basically Pinterest Mecca. I found some stencils that I thought would be cute to use for painting designs since I'm not so great at freehand. Now the wood... I knew I had to venture to Home Depot. I have been in Home Depot a handful of times with my dad to pick up some things on the way to our farm, but it has always been me just following him as he knows that place like the back of his hand. I walked in and it immediately felt like everyone working there knew how uncomfortable I was. A few people asked me if they could help me find something, but I was determined to not be the typical clueless girl in the hardware store and figure it out on my own. I definitely assumed the wood would already be cut into small craft-size planks; however, they were all about 10 feet long. I thought, "I can either take this home and cut it with a steak knife, or I can ask someone to cut it for me..." I wandered around the wood section for a good 15 minutes trying to rationalize not asking for help. Finally a rather intimidating looking gentleman approached me and asked if I needing anything. I'm sure he could tell I was contemplating destroying my fine cutlery. I so bluntly answered, "Actually I have no idea what I'm doing." I proceeded to tell him that I needed some wood cut and when he asked me what I was making, I told him I was just making crafts. He replied by asking, "Let me guess...Pinterest?" Could it be?! A fellow pinner??? "YES!" I said. "How did you know?!" He replied quite frankly, "You don't understand. Girls come in here all the time asking us to cut wood for their "crafts". Pinterest is part of our everyday life, ma'am." At least I didn't feel so alone and stupid anymore. After he was done, I didn't dare ask where the wood stain was. I found that on my own after about 10 minutes of wandering around some more. Finally back at home I got to work on my long-awaited project. A few hours later, this is what I had made:

Fancy? I think yes. I even put it on Pinterest! Perhaps I'll share more crafty projects if I so desire to subject myself to Home Depot again.

Have a good week!

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